Message - Real Life Teams: What Makes a Great Team?
What makes a great team? Why do some teams excel while others fall short. In this episode on Real Life Teams we explore this question and draw from Biblical examples that an help us understand the teams we are a part of and how to work and lead effectively with others.
The Question for you: How can I influence my various real life teams as a skilled teammate, an effective leader, working toward goals with focus and with a dedication to keep improving?
Tim examines all five of those team attributes and looks to the life of Jesus and his team that he called together, 2000 years ago. Jesus and his twelve disciples created the most powerful and influential ideology and organization humanity has ever known, the church. Jesus led them, taught them, fulfilled his mission and then entrusted to the disciples their work to go and make disciples. They did just that.
The Challenge for you: To make the most of the teams you are on. To evaluate your real life teams: who are the skilled players and are they in the right positions, is there effective leadership, are there clear goals, is there a dedication to training and improvement.